Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I should point out one small problem I have with Glaeser's general argument. When you decrease the number of people who pay taxes at all, you increase the number of people who are willing to tax high-income individuals. Although the earned income tax credit was championed by none other than Milton Friedman, there is an element of public choice theory that of course has been borne out in reality. Without getting in to all of that, the general point still stands, which is that government is terrible at the equitable distribution of wealth because politicians have no incentive to actually respond to poor people. 

If they are no longer poor, they will not vote for Democrats! The Republicans don't get their votes anyhow. Government has always responded to those who have enough money and influence to ask it for money. The poor do not hire K St. lobbyists. 

Finally. I have one more thing to ad about this despicable bailout. You are now poorer by $800b not just because you paid taxes into that pool, but more because they pulled that money out of thin air. Today there are suddenly $800b more dollars. That makes every dollar you own worth $800b less all of the dollars in circulation. Not only is your stock account down, your house worth less etc, but now the politicians have decided that your dollars themselves should be each worth a little less.  Congratulations.  


  1. I think I'm going to start investing in the gold standard when I start saving again. It frightens me how the value of the dollar is plummeting on a daily basis now. Hello, Zimbabwe. I don't think it will ever get that bad, but as a Christian, I want the most bang for my buck, esp. when I give money to feed, clothe, and help out the less fortunate. I think it just makes fiscal sense for us Christians to really start thinking about this stuff.

  2. This bailout is disgusting...I barely want to turn on the news, it makes both Matt & I sick...and totally uneasy. So...what do we do? I feel the need to prepare for something? What I am not sure.

  3. The bail out is scary, but I'll tell you what. You're still a lucky lady, because your hubby's name is Matt. It means gift from God, and that's what all Matt's are. They're handsome and witty and handsome and cool. They take the Sting out of multi-billion dollar bailouts.

  4. Ha! I love it. I may not be a gift from God, but being Gregory 'watchful one' I do pan to be generally prepared for hard times. But this is an all the time thing. Which is to say, gloom and doom folks are almost always proved wrong, but that does not mean they wont once be right.

    I kind of like the idea of living your life preparing for an uncertain future, while improving your present.

    How do you do that? Own firearms. They are fun. Garden, it is relaxing, fun, educational for the kids and saves you money in the long run. Keep camping equipment inventoried in a ready kit. Stuff like that.

    I will probably blog about that at some point. I don't think its like time to head for the hills per se, but I think it is always good to be ready to make it through some rough patches. Whether that is hurricanes, fuel prices whatever. There are a lot of things you can reasonably foresee the need for that are not too much of a bother to take care of now.

  5. Dear "Sir"--

    I am a lucky lady...and my Matt is certainly a gift from God....handsome, witty, full of uselss knowledge and a plethora of other things. I'm not sure what that makes me...blessed since he's my best friend for over 13 years & hubby for almost 10. I'm not sure others would have put up for me this long. Ha.

    I agree greg...having been wanting to take some firearms training for some time, now that I am truly a Texan now, I think I'm required by law. (ha, ha) Matt & I are planning some simple gardening this spring, so we'll see how that goes. :)

    Funny you should say "watchful one" don't know if you remember this, g.s. but I made you come meet my matt when we first started dating--and give me your opinion. He got the thumbs up. I guess in a way "watching out" for me. It probably helped that he was friends with your big bro. funny

  6. Of course I remember! I think I was right too. I am super stoked that you two have replicated yourselves several times!
