Thursday, May 7, 2009


My wife is a graphic designer and constantly harps on how hard the Obama Party, er I mean Dem party marketing a nonsense brand. That is why Pepsi and Ikea stole the marketing campaign right after the election. 

So I think this guy really hits the mark. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

And this...

This reminds me of why it is that a) the useful fools who voted for this moron will soon be either disenchanted or at best apathetic, and b) libertarians can have some common cause with bleeding hearts b/c we have BETTER answers for how to help the poor than the bleeding hearts do. The last 30 seconds of this video seriously almost moved me to tears. Throughout the ages the down trodden have been told that some guy is going to save them, when all along they just need the freedom to save themselves. 

Why I really dislike rich leftists that want to increase our taxes

This is why