Friday, January 16, 2009

Death of Free Speech

It is coming.  Faster than we think perhaps. The left, who are seemingly gaining adherents and power hate free speech. Christians are not the target of the future. They are the target now. 

This story highlights some of the more absurd p.c. objections to inaugural goings on. The most alarming of course is the outrage and shunning that has surrounded Rick Warren. 

What the lefties don't know is that Warren isn't exactly known as a conservative or even orthodox Christian within evangelical circles. For the record I think he's a pretty good guy (giving away 90% of your income is a lesson many of the outraged celebrities could stand to learn). But what is really alarming is that Warren is shunned primarily for not backing down to a basic Biblical truth. 

As I mentioned in my last post, sinners of all stripes are now going to be pestering our all leftist federal government to legitimize their errant behavior. What we will inevitably get out of that is legislation that limits our rights to speak Biblical (or otherwise) truth. 

Our 'more enlightened' neighbors to the North (forgetting of course that they have had a rightist gov't for the past few years) have long entered into this territory, despite the fact that they also have a right to free speech. Just ask Stephen Boisson or Ezra Levant


  1. Well I'll tie in your separation of church and state posts with this to prove your point. What's the ONE thing someone who works for the government can't freely speak about while on the job?

    Religion, mainly Christianity. Somehow, if you work for the same government that gives us the Right to Worship as we choose you LOSE those rights the moment you step onto government property BECAUSE you work for them (see judges, public teachers, etc) That's crazy ass backwards.

    That's one reason I'd never work for our government as it now stands. I don't want to lose my rights. in any other job I can speak freely, worship as the 1st amendment affords me. As if your individuality must die at the door of government, as if by my talking about Christ WHILE I'm a judge, that MEANS I'm now the entire government and I'm forcing others to follow my religion. ABSURD.

    I say all that to show how freedom of religion and free speech is already being submerged TODAY within the government, so it's only a matter of time until we're relegated to the privacy of our homes when talking about Jesus, and then, we're screwed.

    So NOW is the time to stand up, give your voice to the government and media that has so much power, and save Christian free speech before it's gone. NOW is the time for Christians to go Christian punk activist on everyone's ass, before Christians become the asses of our society, mocked and crucified (as we already are by so many). hell, the news will report on 30 gay guys protesting bans on gay marriage in orlando. 30 guys. Imagine if Christian en masse would Rise up in one Voice. Just Imagine.

  2. I totally agree. I struggle because I want to be a teacher, of some sort. I am considering going into ministry instead, because I'm scared I won't be able to be open about my faith if I work in a public school. With diversity and multicultural standards and me having to teach in a pluralist society by the govt. that all sorts of stuff is OK in our society scares me. That I have to cloak all the other religions as spirituality or am mandated to teach about tolerance, esp. in teaching about Islam in school. but I'm not allowed to talk about "tolerance" for my faith is completely insanse. If we are preach about freedom of speech and a level playing field, than everyone should be able to come to the table. To think that my worldview as a Christian doesn't affect the way I do EVERYTHING in my life is absurd. A secular humanist's worldview or a govt. bureucrat worldview, or a Marxist worldview are all on the table. And I don't even object to them having their worldviews (even if I don't agree with them). What ever happened to discourse?? To all my Leftist friends that really love Orwell, he knew what he was talking about. Think about what he was saying. The govt. that you soo despise and then hypocritically support for your own power and influence will destroy you. It always does. I can't wait for the new Kingdom.

  3. BAP. Please be a teacher. We have to engage kids in the public schools, even if we have to be careful about how we do it. I hate school children and would make a terrible teacher. But I think it is crucial that we have Christian men teaching public school kids to counter the feminized secular left BS they are inundated with.

    Of course, you also have to have a happy and productive life for yourself. And its not a role I am willing to play. All I am saying is that if you feel God is pulling you in that direction go for it.
