Friday, January 2, 2009


When you see a hipster wearing a keffiyeh, this is what they are knowingly or unknowlingly supporting.  Genocide of the Jewish people is not cool.  The fact that it is still so fervently sought by so many of all manner of non-Christians is also a powerful apologetic.  Why would the Jewish people be so hated by all of the non-Christian world if there were not some veracity to their status as God's chosen?


  1. I'm glad you posted this buddy, because I've often thought of bringing this up to a ton of my friends, even Christian ones that are full of social justice and the Gospel. This pretty much says it. The annihilation of the Jewish race is NOT COOL!! It was sorta akin to the thing you posted awhile back from about how Hollywood loves Che and Mao (who both brutally slaughtered people and would if they were alive today slaughter most of the hipster post-modern actors in that God forsaken town). Makes one think. And I didn't cuss once in my first post. God is looking out for me.

  2. I also just watched the Pro-Hamas rally in Ft. Lauderdale, FL of all places and was really jarred out of my armchair by the one Palestinian sympathizer yelling at the Israelis to "go back to the ovens." Look where our PC world is going. This is what passes through the Leftist Thought Police. She probably learned this garbage from attending a University in the area, which is even more unsettling. This progagandha machine needs to end. It's time to fight TRUTH with TRUTH.

  3. I meant to say propagandha instead. Watch the documentary, Indoctrinate U to see further what your hard earned tax dollars are paying for. It will give you a heartattack. And I can say this because it shaped my worldview for the past 15 years of my life until I found Christ. I also didn't want to feel like a morally irrehensible person anymore that didn't stand for anything or have a purpose. Living in an anarchist utopia is like a black hole. It's a vacuum of nothingness, full of sin and much like Sodom and Gomorrah. It's bad news. Come talk to me and I'll set the record straight.
