Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Welcome Sir Christian

Mr. A Lot is going to join us indeed.  Our third blogger, who has not to my knowledge selected a handle just yet (although I am blogging under my own name, I do not presume he will), is undergoing throat surgery today.  So pray for him please. 

1 comment:

  1. I actually didn't go through throat surgery. I went through a procedure called Laproscopic Nissen Fundiplication which is a fancy word for gastric reflux surgery. They didn't operate on my throat at all. The cut into my abdomen and pulled my stomach up and wrapped it around my esophogeal sphincter to make it more snug. I was having acid shoot up all the time because my valve was faulty. I am in the healing process right now so send loads of prayers my way. I could sure use them when the Vicotin isn't working. God Bless.
