Monday, April 13, 2009

Visuals Help a lot

1 comment:

  1. just letting you know, I'm here and reading. just don't have the research to add or detract from what you're saying, though your arguments seem pretty tight so it would be hard to detract anything.

    All I know is, debt to get out of debt sounds like certain disaster to me. failure builds character. bail-outs build selfish, dependent, only child types who think they're owed everything for nothing with no incentive to do better, cause heck, someone will get em out of it. Which is perfect for setting up Socialism. Then all we'll have to wait for is some egomaniac Stalin type and the table will be set for global disaster. Yey.

    Or... we can let failures fail. and either better people will rise up, or the failed will LEARN, pick themselves up by their newly strengthened Character, and make a better thing in its place, with less government restrictions like the founding fathers wanted: and we'll again grow on the backs of people like Edison, like Ben Franklin. I don't remember they're bailouts making them great. I think it was their courage to take failures and make something better, through individualism and the freedom to invent. But what do they know?
