Thursday, March 12, 2009

Watch Jon Stewart interview Cramer

The interview Jon Stewart did with Cramer of CNBC was very informative on how guys like me got screwed on Countrywide and stocks in general. It was a big screw you game all along, and surprisingly Jon stewart uncovers the problem with attempting wealth not through work ethic and the foolishness of worshiping the almighty dollar instead of the almighty Lord. If Gregory could add a link to it, I'd like that. Its off the subject of our Punk/God conversations, but Jon Stewart shows my anger in stupidly trusting people with dollar signs for eyeballs instead of putting faith in my God. Won't happen again.


  1. as a side note, the interview is in 3 segments on Comedy Only watch #2 and #3. It's good stuff. I'll tell you what beats a million dollars in the bank though, it's tickling your little one year old son as he buries his head in laughter into your shoulder and kisses your neck. That's happiness.

  2. I will post a link later on. I hate Jon Stewart with a passion though. I think he is worthy of a post on why I hate him so much. Not so Christian of me.

  3. yeah, that's not nice. he still deserves props for a good candid interview. did you watch it, segment 2 and 3?
